C & W Embroidery | Company History
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Company History

C&W Embroidery was founded in Tupelo, Mississippi in 1990 with the purchase of a single 12-head embroidery machine in order to provide contract embroidery services for a range of clients.  We began operations in a 1,500 square foot facility with 3 employees.

We quickly realized that we wanted to have control over the creation of designs and logos we had to sew onto garments.  This same year (1990), we purchased a computer digitizing program and the hardware necessary to create our own digitized tapes.  To this day, we continue to offer highly customizable digitizing capabilities for customers.

In 1998, C&W Embroidery relocated to a 45,000 square foot manufacturing and distribution facility in Rienzi, Mississippi.  Through facility expansion over the last 15 years, C&W Embroidery now is home to a 65,000 square foot manufacturing and distribution facility.

From that single 12-head embroidery machine, C&W Embroidery has grown over the last 25 years to include a total of 62 embroidery machines, 515 embroidery heads, and 140 employees. C&W Embroidery has evolved into a significant player in the garment embellishment industry and is now a leading privately-owned contract embroidery company in the U.S.

C&W Embroidery continues operating from this location today, with a focus on the future but always remembering its humble beginnings and mission – Become the leading contract embroidery firm providing customers with best-in-class service.